вторник, 8 февраля 2022 г.

Famous Biologists. Part II

1. The field of biology has seen many important discoveries throughout the centuries. From vaccines to theories of the beginning and progression of life on Earth. Here are some of the famous biologists that have made significant contributions to various areas of life.
2. Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), nationality: German. Known for: Plant hybridizations and genetics. When he wrote “Experiments on Plant Hybridization”, he paved the way (прокложил дорогу) for biology students to study genetic traits in peas. During his experiments, Gregor found that a specific trait would be dominant over other traits in the same species. This became to be recognized as the Mendelian inheritance (наследственность).
3. Joseph Lister (1827-1912), nationality: British. Known for: Using antiseptics for cleaning and sterilizing wounds. Joseph Lister was born in 1827 in the city of Upton, Essex, England where he attended the University of London, and later in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh and University of Glasgow. He became a surgeon (хирург) and pioneered the work of antiseptic or sterile surgery. He used carbolic acid to cleanse wounds and to sterilize instruments used for surgery.
4. Some of their discoveries have helped cure diseases, perform medical procedures, and classify animals. Others have formed the basis of the medical profession as we know it today. The many discoveries have improved not only our understanding of history but also our quality of living.

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