четверг, 27 декабря 2012 г.

Clothes - II

Sometimes when we want to describe a person we we also tell what he is dressed in. So we need to learn some new vocabulary.

Dress we wear can be modern, old-fashioned; it helps us to have our own style. We can look awful or funny or to have a tendy outfit. One needs a designer look, other wants a biker or a cowboy look.

Tastes differ of course!

Click the picture to learn new words about clothes.

Related phrases

Maria is wearing a red dress and a black suede jacket today.

Natasha is wearing a dark gray suit and a white blouse today.

Anna is wearing a black skirt, a light-blue blouse, and high-heeled black shoes. There is a colorful scarf around her neck.

Ella is wearing a skirt and a sweater. Tanya is dressed in a pant suit.

Tom is wearing a dark-gray business suit, a white shirt and a gray silk tie.

Here there is a test to check yourself.

A memory game: http://www.angles365.com

Extra. If you need to know parts of clothes look at the picture below:

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