вторник, 22 октября 2013 г.

Idiom. It's a dog's life

Phrase "It's a dog's life" means that the life is difficult, unpleasant and wrecked.
According to yourdictionary.com this expression was first recorded in a 16th-century manuscript and alludes to the miserable subservient existence of dogs during this era. By the 1660s there was a proverb: “It's a dog's life, hunger and ease.” (More information about this phrase on www.wisegeek.com)

  1. I'm tired of living a dog's life.
  2. I don't want to lead a dog's life any more.
  3. He is leading a dog’s life since he married the woman who everyone told him not to.

So phrases going to the dogsdog tiredto die like a dogdog’s dinnerdogsbodydog eat dog all refer to a state of affairs best avoided. To get more idioms with a word 'dog' follow the link: www.engvid.com. There you can check your understanding filling in tests.

Now I want you to see a silent film A Dog's Life (1918) written, produced and directed by Charlie Chaplin. In this film The Little Tramp (Маленький Бродяжка - герой Чарли Чаплина) teams up with a winsome mongrel terrier called Scraps.

Questions to the film:
  1. Is it the first silent film you have seen? If not do you like silent films and what one is your favourite?
  2. If you are asked to act the first dialogue between the Little Tramp and a policeman what phrases will you use? Remeber that the policeman notices The tramp trying to snatch sausages to eat.
  3. Is a "loser" the right term to characterize the Little Tramp in the employment office?
  4. Does the scene in "the Green Lantern" while The Tramp is stealing buns make you laugh? How many buns to your mind does The Little Tramp eat there? Do you think it is the way The Tramp stuggle to survive?
  5. Do you think it is a comic idea to hide his dog in his trousers? And how do you like the dog's tail sticking out of the Tramp's trousers?
  6. Does the tramp fall in love with that dance hall singer?
  7. Is he impressed by her song?
  8. is their dance clumsy or a tender one?
  9. Is the Little Tramp lucky to get money from the thieves? Do things take a turn for the better after it?
  10. Where do The Tramp and The Singer settle down?
  11. Do their dreams come true? Is it his dog who helps him?
  12. Do you think it is a happy ending?

вторник, 15 октября 2013 г.

For Beginners: Family members

Word sets about family from liqualeo.ru:

Exercises on Family Members from www.ego4u.com

Members of a Family (male and female)

What is the term for the opposite sex?
  1. mum - 
  2. brother - 
  3. son - 
  4. uncle - 
  5. grandmother - 
  6. granddaughter - 
  7. nephew - 
  8. wife - 
  9. boyfriend - 
  10. cousin - _____________

Who am I?


Fill in the correct member of the family. Keep to the family tree (picture).
  1. My  is 64 years old. His name is .
  2. My  is 62. Her name is .
  3. I have got a , she is 37.
  4. My  is 40. He is married with two 
  5. I have got two , too.
  6. My  is called . She is 17 years old.
  7. My  is called Joe. He is married.
  8. His  is called , just like my .
  9. Do you know who I am? My name is .
Try interactive game about family members: www.vocabulary

воскресенье, 13 октября 2013 г.

Classroom Language

Learn phrases of Classroom English:

Below there are some expression used while an English lesson. Please look through:

1.     What day is it today? – Какой сегодня день?
2.     What is the day today? – Какое сегодня число?
3.     Who is absent today? – Кто сегодня отсутствует?
4.     Why you are late? – Почему вы опоздали?
5.     That’s no excuse (That’s a poor excuse). – Это неуважительная причина.
6.     Open your exercise books, please. I want to check that you have all done your homework. – Откройте тетради. Я хочу проверить, все ли сделали домашнее задание.
7.     Put up your hands those who haven’t done their homework. – Кто не сделал домашнее задание, поднимите руки.
8.     For homework you were to… - Дома вы должны были…
9.     Hand in your exercise books, please. – Сдайте ваши тетради.
10.  You make many mistakes when writing, be more careful. – Вы делаете много ошибок при письме, будьте более внимательны.
11.  You have some (bad, serious, spelling, grammar) mistakes in your last test. – В вашей последней контрольной работе есть несколько (грубых, серьёзных, орфографических, грамматических) ошибок.
12.  This is a good (very good, bad, very bad) pieced of work. – Этохорошая (очень хорошая, плохая, очень плохая) работа.
13.  You have missed out the letter “t” in the word “listen”. – Вы пропустили букву “t” в слове “listen”.
14.  Underline that word. – Подчеркните то слово.
15.  You must improve your handwriting. – Вы должны исправить свой почерк.
16.  Who can name the letters in alphabetical order? – Кто может назвать буквы в алфавитном порядке?
17.  Don’t all speak at once. – Не говорите все сразу.
18.  Stop talking! – Не разговаривайте!
19.  Put up your hand if you know the answer. – Если знаете, как ответить на вопрос, поднимите руку.
20.  Say it again. (Repeat it.) – Повторите.
21.  Go on. (Go on with your story.) – Продолжайте рассказывать.
22.  Don’t hurry. (There’s no need to hurry.) – Не спешите.
23.  Start from the very beginning. – Начните с самого начала.
24.  Tell the story. – Перескажите текст.
25.  Make up a dialogue based on the given example. – Составьте диалог по данному образцу.
26.  Act out the dialogue. – Инсценируйте диалог.
27.  Is the translation of this word (phrase) correct? – Правильно ли переведено это слово (выражение)?
28.  Is there any other way of saying it? – Можно ли выразить это иначе?
29.  Read it all over again. – Прочитайте это снова.
30.  Look through this text and find the answers to the following questions. – Просмотрите этот текст и найдите ответы на следующие вопросы.
31.  Pay attention to these words. – Обратите внимание на эти слова.
32.  Listen carefully to what I’m going to say. – Слушайте меня внимательно.
33.  Have you any questions? (Any questions?) – Есть вопросы?
34.  What does it mean? (What’s the meaning of it? What do you think it means?) – Что это (слово, фраза) значит?
35.  Take down the words you don’t know in your vocabulary book. – Выпишите незнакомые слова в словарные тетради.
36.  You should work harder. – Вам следует больше заниматься.
37.  You’re making progress. (You are doing well.) – Вы делаете успехи.
38.  That’s right. – Верно. Правильно.
39.  Good. That’s good. – Хорошо, очень хорошо.
40.  That was a careless answer. – Это был непродуманный ответ.

Red cells

The next topic we are going to study is about red cells. As a additional material I want you to read the article "Why blood is red?" by howitworksdaily.com

And some information about white blood cells at work.

суббота, 12 октября 2013 г.

Classroom Objects. Vocabulary

Words to know:
a bag (a schoolbag, a backpack, a rucksack), a board (blackboard, bulletin board, white board, interactive white board), a book (a notebook, a workbook, an exercise book, a textbook), a book, a bookcase, a paint brush, a calculator, a calendar, a CD player, a chair (an armless chair), a classroom/an auditorium, a clock, a colour box, a compass/(pair of) compasses циркульa computer, a corridor/a hallway, a crayon,  a diary, a desk, a dictionary, a felt-tip, a file, a folder, a globe, glue, a locker, a map, a magic marker, a microscope, a notepad, a paper clip, a pen (a board pen), a pencil case, a pencil, a poster, a professor, a projector, a protractor [prə'træktə] транспортир,  a puncher ['pʌnʧə]/ a hole punch дырокол, a ruler, a sharpener/ a pencil sharpener [ʃˈɑːpnə],  a stapler, a student, tape, a teacher, a television set,a triangle ['traɪæŋgl] / set square [ˌset'skweə] треугольник, an eraser [ɪrˈeɪːzə]/ a rubber, chalk, paper (wastepaper), scissors, sport fields, whiteout

пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

For Beginners. Classroom Objects

Learn English words for classroom things:

Test yourself : picture quiz

News from nationalgeographic.com: Were the First Artists Mostly Women?

by Virginia Hughes
Three-quarters of handprints in ancient cave art were left by women, study finds. This overturns the dogma that the earliest artists were all men.

Archaeologists have found hundreds of hand stencils on cave walls across the world. Many researchers have proposed that they were made by male hunters  because many of these early paintings also showcase game animals—bison, reindeer, horses, woolly mammoths.
Women made most of the oldest-known cave art paintings, suggests a new analysis of ancient handprints.  Archaeologist Dean Snow of Pennsylvania State University analyzed hand stencils found in eight cave sites in France and Spain. 
He compared the relative lengths of certain fingers as according to John Manning’s work women tend to have ring and index fingers of about the same length, whereas men's ring fingers tend to be longer than their index fingers. Snow's study determined that three-quarters of the handprints were female.
Experts expressed a wide range of opinions about how to interpret Snow's new data. Some experts are skeptical. Other researchers are more convinced by the new data.
The new work raises many more questions than it answers. Why would women be the primary artists? Were they creating only the handprints, or the rest of the art as well? The question is why these ancient artists left handprints at all.
 Difficult words:
ancient ['eɪn(t)ʃ(ə)nt] древний
arch(a)eologist [ˌɑːkɪ'ɔləʤɪst] археолог
cave [keɪv] пещера
convince [kən'vɪn(t)s] убеждать
determine [dɪ'tɜːmɪn]  устанавливать
game animal охотничье животное
interpret [ɪn'tɜːprɪt] объяснять
overturn опровергать 
propose [prə'pəuz]  предполагать
raise a question поднять вопрос
showcase ['ʃəukeɪs] демонстрировать
stencil ['sten(t)s(ə)l] узор 
wide range of opinions широкий диапазон мнений                                                                                          

пятница, 4 октября 2013 г.

For the Beginners. Possessive Pronouns

We already know about possesive adjectives: my, your,his, her,its, our, their. 
Possessive adjective describes a noun: My car is new.

Possesive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.
Possessive pronoun takes place of a noun: This car is mine. 

Compaire pairs of sentences below:

My book is large. (adjective, describes book)
Yours is small. (pronoun, takes the place of noun)

Your car is green. (adjective, describes car)
Mine is red. (pronoun, takes the place of noun)

Practice using of possessive pronouns:

вторник, 1 октября 2013 г.

For the Begginers. How to get ready to a test

На индивидуальных карточках вы получите задание  затранскрибировать слова

Примерное задание для самостоятельной подготовки к контрольной работе по фонетике (правила чтения гласных букв в ударных слогах)
                                                              Карточка № 10

sere      wise      cur       myrmidon      vin     pure     far      sir     sulk        mare      fire       trade  
door     gule      tat        smoke   byre     been    hop       hymn   stress    more  stern    tube

The Father of Microbiology

  1. Do you know who invented the first compound microscope?  2. Can you say who discovered bacteria, free-living and parasitic microscopic ...