четверг, 10 марта 2016 г.


"The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God"
                                                                                      - Euclid

Mathematics is everywhere in this universe. We seldom note it. We enjoy nature and are not interested in going deep about what mathematical idea is in it. Here are a very few properties of mathematics that are depicted  in nature.


Symmetry is everywhere you look in nature.
Symmetry is when a figure has two sides that are mirror images of one another. It would then be possible to draw a line through a picture of the object and along either side the image would look exactly the same. This line would be called a line of symmetry. 
There are two kinds of symmetry.
One is bilateral symmetry in which an object has two sides that are mirror images of each other. 
The human body would be an excellent example of a living being that has bilateral symmetry.
The other kind of symmetry is radial symmetry. This is where there is a center point and numerous lines of symmetry could be drawn. 
The most obvious geometric example would be a circle.
Not all objects have symmetry; if an object is not symmetrical, it is called asymmetric.

Symmetry in mathematics

Symmetry occurs in many areas of mathematics. Symmetry comes from a Greek word meaning 'to measure together' and is widely used in the study of geometry. Mathematically, symmetry means that one shape becomes exactly like another when you move it in some way: turn, flip or slide. For two objects to be symmetrical, they must be the same size and shape, with one object having a different orientation from the first. 
The mathematical study of symmetry is systematized and formalized in the extremely powerful and beautiful area of mathematics called group theory.
Symmetry can be present in the form of coefficients of equations as well as in the physical arrangement of objects. By classifying the symmetry of polynomial equations using the machinery of group theory, for example, it is possible to prove the unsolvability of the general quintic equation.

You can see a video lesson about symmetry on ed.ted.com/lessons

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