понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

At the market place

                                          "Mr. Mzyri with Watermelon" by Vladimir Lyubarov 

Do you like this work? Food market looks great in atumn, doesn't it?

Do you have an idea about the country this scene takes place in. Can you name vegetables painted here? In what words can you describe this pciture?

Are you sure you know English equivalent for Russian "Брюхо сыто, да глаза голодны"? Follow the link: http://blog.myhappyenglish.com

Read the conversation:
-John, why don’t you finish eating that forth portion of ice-cream?

-I suppose my eyes were bigger than my stomach when I said I wanted more.

-You know the same thing happens to me. When I’m really hungry, I take more food than I can really eat.

Please describe situations your eyes are bigger then bigger than your stomach.

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